Letters The Lubavitcher Rebbe Letters The Lubavitcher Rebbe

The True Healer

We tend to blur the lines between the Healer and the means of healing. The Healer is only Hashem. The means of healing… they are simply Hashem’s means.

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Letters The Lubavitcher Rebbe Letters The Lubavitcher Rebbe

A Doctor is Hashem’s Messenger

Trust in Hashem never means disregarding medical advice. The Torah does not give a doctor permission to predict the future. The Torah does not give a doctor permission to make assumptions or create despair. The Torah gives a doctor permission to heal.

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Letters The Lubavitcher Rebbe Letters The Lubavitcher Rebbe

Think Good — It Will Be Good

Bitachon is a verb. It is the act of turning our minds to thoughts that reflect our trust in Hashem. Hashem has the Power to do anything! He can save us, heal us, sustain us - He can do it all, and He can do it now.

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Letters The Lubavitcher Rebbe Letters The Lubavitcher Rebbe

Hashem is Good!

Hashem is always good, though our understanding is limited. Every instance of goodness is Hashem's kindness—a miracle to appreciate. In moments of darkness, broaden your perspective to see Hashem's goodness everywhere. Remember joyful moments and miracles, thanking Hashem for the good, and watch it flourish.

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Letters The Lubavitcher Rebbe Letters The Lubavitcher Rebbe

No Tears Are Shed In Vain

Though we may never understand Hashem’s reasons for life events, one certainty remains: there's always a reason in our best interest. When goodness eludes us, we pray for its eventual revelation. In challenging interpersonal encounters, refrain from judgment; we're unaware of others' struggles.

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Letters The Lubavitcher Rebbe Letters The Lubavitcher Rebbe

When the Yetzer Horah Says, “Maybe Not.”

Trusting in Hashem is challenging due to the Yetzer Horah. Overcoming challenges requires tapping into our inner strengths, inviting Hashem's blessings. By choosing Bitachon over fear, we contribute to a force of blessing and healing, leading towards ultimate goodness.

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