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Essays, Stories & Snippets on Bitachon

Have an essay or story on Bitachon that you think we should add to the collection? Let us know!

Essays Rabbi Naftali Silberberg Essays Rabbi Naftali Silberberg

It Is His Business

We neglect to mention this awesome miracle which occurred in the Land of Israel every seventh year!

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Essays Rabbi Yanki Tauber Essays Rabbi Yanki Tauber


Unless you inhabit one of those idealized marriages of never-faltering sweetness and light, you know that feeling that comes in the aftermath of an argument with a loved one.

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Essays Rabbi Yanki Tauber Essays Rabbi Yanki Tauber

When Bad Things Happen

Bad things happen. They happen to good people. Contrary to common perception, bad things also happen to bad people. The difference is not so much in what happens, but in what happens to the person.

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Essays Rabbi Yanki Tauber Essays Rabbi Yanki Tauber

Good Thinking

It was the custom of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi to officiate as the reader of the weekly Torah reading in his synagogue. One year, the rebbe was not present the Shabbat on which the section of Ki Tavo is read. In the rebbe’s absence, someone else did the reading.

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Essays Jay Litvin Essays Jay Litvin


A friend of mine and I were talking about Bitachon (trust in G‑d) and illness, the kind of illness where doctors kindly provide cure rates and survival statistics.

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Essays Jay Litvin Essays Jay Litvin

A Space For Him To Fill

To one whose faith and trust is truly without blemish, there would, I imagine, be no negativity in thought nor emotion. He or she would think good and it would simply be good.

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